shot with a Pentax K100D and 18-55 kit
i am a member of Modelmayhem.com and i do not get to work with a lot of models from that sight becuse well there is not that menny that are near me, i have worked with 3. Well i found some one that was close and i needed some where to photo him all the places that i like to photo people had been closed off and i had to do some scouting. i found this low income apartment bilding that had been a old gril school at one time. it had good liting and intersting rooms. it was hard to try and fit him i found, not his falt lol but one day i hope to find a woman in a nice ball gound that would fit the location better. this photo i decied to try and brake some photo ruls. the room was round and had big windos so i decied to back light and have the light be the britest thing in the photo. this is some thing i do not do offten and if i was shooting film probly not have dune but i figerd why not. i also had some thinking to do as in i never realy photo menm, mostly whman. so i was trying to think of some masclen posies. so i thiogh about some men jens adds i had seen and whent with that. i do say he was very good to work with and i hope he duse well.
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