Shot with a Fuji S2 pro i for got the lens
ok this was a few years a go i had bean doing some reading on DSLRs and the S2 looked good so i rented one to try it out. i payed 75$ for 3 days not to bad becuse film would have been more expincive. the photo was taken at the New Market renacment. it was HOT me and my best frind and my grilfrind where walking around and by the end of the day we felt like we just been fried. i love shooting reinacments the people are wonderful open and ez to work with. they also give me an op to photo some thing different. the thing is it is imposable to really get the look of the old photos with new cameras i did try but it faile. but this came out ok i think. the best part of the days was there was a dance for the reacters one night and some how we ended up taking pat lol. my friend Karen had been a renactor before she went home and got her pearid dress and put it on and i belive danced her head off me and Sig wached and i photoed it.
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