This blog is to show off some of my other photography, i do more than photoj LOL. There is NUDITY but NO porn so if you do not like nudes please go some where else . Then you can also read my other blog also http://thephotograph.blogspot.com/
It is my online newspaper that i run.
ALL nudes are of people 18+
Ho, and BAD spelling is par for the coarse on this blog LOL I am a photographer not a writer LOL.
It is my online newspaper that i run.
ALL nudes are of people 18+
Ho, and BAD spelling is par for the coarse on this blog LOL I am a photographer not a writer LOL.
Saturday, December 22, 2007

shot with a Pentax K1000 50 1.7 and a Cannon 30D ( i think it was ?? )
i had shot this in my bed room in my old apt. and i was trying to figer out what to do with it i was at my computer in the new space me and a frind had rented i was shaking and baking the photo. I just need some thing that i could not put my finger on. my frind came in and he had his 30D on him and i walked over to the windo over looking main st. in harrisonburg. i light up a smoke and was waching the cars go by then i looked over at a bar a cross the st. it had a neat looking wall. my bran whent in to photo mode and i asked my frind if i could borrow his camera. i whent out and photoed the wall. the coler in the photo come from it was at night and that was the color of the street lamps. it fit what i was looking for.

shot with a Pentax K1000 50 1.5
this is Tj a frind of mine. this was shot on my 25th bday and i had a party yep lots of unsuspting people to photo. well Tj is one of thows people that can where any thing and look good lol and he allwas wore this hat and i pritty much wore my duster. he was standing in my hall way and i had an idea. i put my duster with his hat and had him pose in the hallway. the light is comming from the bath room just in frount of him. in PS i did a motion blur on the wall behind him to give a diffrent look. back then and now lol it is about using every bit of space i have to shoot. If i had a full studo with the works i do not know what i would i do with my self. i know how to use the lights ect... but i probly use 1 light and the modling light with a old sheet lol.

shot with a Pentax K1000 and a 50 1.7
some one had sent me a plug in that simmalated IR in PS and this is the only photo that i was able to get it to some what work lol. i mostly used the plug in for a softing filter witch it worked well. i have lost the plug in because of a computer crash a cople of years a go and have not been able to find it sence :( .
I had found the person i was shooting that day i belive in the coputer lab at a colage that i was using there computers. we started the day at my apartment i had had a requset from an edtior to try to do some thing with wolves, i had NO idea how to do that but i did try and faild. she had gotten a fleace from her home that happend to be a sheep farm and tryed a cople of photos playing off of the wolf in sheeps clotheing some things worked out but not the wolf thing. we sort of gave up and i just started shooting. then we whent to a coverd brige near New Market and did a lot of shooting there. at the end of the day i had a lot of good photos to work with non that i could send the edtior. we where both tired becuse of the long day. i have not spoken or heard from the model after that. i was hoping to at lest give her a cd of the photos.

shot with a Pentax K100D 18-55 kit lens
this is a MM model he was really good to work with. i took some photos in my dinning room and i had some ideas to go shoot on the Blue rige Park way which is close by. i was trying to get him in the photo with a lot of invierment around him. i do not shoot a lot of this kind of thing i mostly do the close tight tipe of shooting , mostly because of the places i have to shoot which are small. i wonted him to look like he was looking off and thinking about some thing like he had just hiked to where he was and now was looking over the distance.

shot with a Pentax K100D and 18-55 kit lens
same model as below but i was in the mood to go nuts. i had no idea where this was going as so often i do not when i doing art stuff. the pattern for the braking of the face came from broken glass which i put over the face. i put a photo of a coputer mother bord under the face then started taking out peces of the face fallowing the glass and the mother bord that was under the face came throw. i did some eye work and applyed some filters sort of a shake and bake and finshed. i could not get it to look the way that i wonted to. i like the photos that cobine tenology and a person sort of like the borg on star treck but in a photo. i can not seem to get it right. mine seem to come out more cortoonis than real.

Shot with a Pentax K100D and 18-55 kit lens
This is a MM model i had scouted a location a weak before and well it was locked so i whent to my 2nd place the park and for some reson it was full and no where to park. so back to my apartment we whent. i was a bit inbarest at the time because it made me look like a dad but i made a make shift shooting location out of my dinning room. i moved the table and made a mess. the dinning room has 2 windows and the best place was the conner so i made do. she had brough with her a read unbrela as a prop and that was diffrent. the red really stud out and it took a bit to figer out how to use it. so i had her move around a bit. then for some reson i started thinking about Charley Chaplin. that is how i came up with this pose. the worm look to the photo is due to the fact i was using my blineds to defuse the light comming in the windos. they are a creem color and had this nice fell to them. i used the coner as a eloment ie.. lines that lead to the subject. i put here off senter a bit to make the copostion more intersting. when looking at the photo ones eye is drown to the red unbrela and the dignal lines keep it there then the eye gos to the model. Or I hope so LOL.

shot with a Pentax K100D and 18-55 kit
i am a member of Modelmayhem.com and i do not get to work with a lot of models from that sight becuse well there is not that menny that are near me, i have worked with 3. Well i found some one that was close and i needed some where to photo him all the places that i like to photo people had been closed off and i had to do some scouting. i found this low income apartment bilding that had been a old gril school at one time. it had good liting and intersting rooms. it was hard to try and fit him i found, not his falt lol but one day i hope to find a woman in a nice ball gound that would fit the location better. this photo i decied to try and brake some photo ruls. the room was round and had big windos so i decied to back light and have the light be the britest thing in the photo. this is some thing i do not do offten and if i was shooting film probly not have dune but i figerd why not. i also had some thinking to do as in i never realy photo menm, mostly whman. so i was trying to think of some masclen posies. so i thiogh about some men jens adds i had seen and whent with that. i do say he was very good to work with and i hope he duse well.

Shot with a Fuji S2 pro i for got the lens
ok this was a few years a go i had bean doing some reading on DSLRs and the S2 looked good so i rented one to try it out. i payed 75$ for 3 days not to bad becuse film would have been more expincive. the photo was taken at the New Market renacment. it was HOT me and my best frind and my grilfrind where walking around and by the end of the day we felt like we just been fried. i love shooting reinacments the people are wonderful open and ez to work with. they also give me an op to photo some thing different. the thing is it is imposable to really get the look of the old photos with new cameras i did try but it faile. but this came out ok i think. the best part of the days was there was a dance for the reacters one night and some how we ended up taking pat lol. my friend Karen had been a renactor before she went home and got her pearid dress and put it on and i belive danced her head off me and Sig wached and i photoed it.

shot with a Pentax K100D and 18-55 kit lens
me and my dad both got our K100D cameras at the same time and we wonted to go try them out. so we whent to one of my favirt places to photo people an old train station near downtown Harrisonburg. well the door with the hole in it that i usly get in had been replaced and a lock put on. so we whent around to the platform. there was plenty of good open shad lighting and off we whent photoing each other. well he was sitting there and had taken his glasses off to rub his nose and i took this photo. we had a good time and i hope that we can go out shooting some more some time. the trane station was a bit of a fitting place because my dad had been a tramp for a several years jumping trains and travailed all over the country.

This was shot with a Nikon D70 and a Sigma APO 70-300
ok i know i sed this is for other than photoj work but this was an interesting photo. the boss sent me to photo a dance recital well i had a slow lens and i was not lowed to use a flash. so there i was i had to work some thing out. so i decied that maby i could use the noise and some what slow shutter speed to my advantage. so this is what i came up with. this was dun in camera no PS ( well i did crop a bit) i just picked out what shots i though would work. as you can also tell i chouse to use the wrong white balnce i shot with day light to make the photo wormer.
Thursday, December 6, 2007

Pentax K1000 50 m smc 1.7 MF Fuji asa 400 color film shot at my old apt. light by windo light.
Jill was one of thows people that just photoed well and was ez to work with. i met her at the coffy shop that i had picked up meney people to photo before. she was one of thows people that it was hard to get a bad photo of. this is not a posed photo she had sat by the windo and i was like hold right there and i pushed the buttin. i think that is one of the resons the photo turned out the way it did. just a natural pose seems to work better with me. when i try to pose people it looks fake to me so i try to get people to be them selves and i try to photo it.

Pentax K1000 50 m smc 1.7 MF Fuji asa 400 color film shot at my old apt. light by windo light.
This was shot in the bath tub. i did a lot of work in that tub the light was vary good. It was a bit whered that i would aske people off the street to come over to my apt and pose nude in my bath tub lol. but after a whill the word got out that i an ok guy and i was good at what i was diong. i was exsparmenting on differint things i could put over the people i photoed. it was fun and now that i have a DSLR i need to get back in to it.

Pentax K1000 50 m smc 1.7 MF Fuji asa 400 color film shot at my old apt. light by windo light.
this is my "Brucie Springsteen" photo lol well i seen this man playing a mandlan and he had a punk stile i thought that it would make an interesting photo. For some reson while i was shooting my mind keeped going to the photo of Springsteen "Born in the USA" albem cover ie ... he was standing with his back to the camera with a getar on his back and the flag. i have no idea why that happened just did.

Pentax K1000 50 m smc 1.7 MF Fuji asa 400 color film shot at my old apt. light by windo light.
This is also on that old couch LOL this is Cristina and i like to call her "Goldy locks" i have nick names for some of the people that i photo becuse as you can tell i just am bad at names yep BAD for a photoj i know LOL i once dated some one for 3 years and still did never got her name right LOL. she got that nick name becuse here hair is crley so the first time i seen her i had a pitcher of a drowing in the book when i was little and she looked like the girl in the drowing. i often asate people with an image not there name.

Pentax K1000 50 m smc 1.7 MF Fuji asa 400 color film shot at my old apt. light by windo light.
Things that one may see when walking down the street. There was this guy i knew sitting at the gezibo down town playing a Madlen, he was dressed in the "punk" styll it struck me as a bit of a contrast so i asked him up to my appartment so that i could photo him. on the way up we ran in to the person in this photo, then a gen her name excapes me and i asked her to joyin us. I had photoed her befor and she was in the same dress as the guy so had 2 people to exparment on LOL. At this time i was living down town Harrisonburg in this one bed room apt that still to this day like and have menny good memeberys of. as was nomal i had the person stand on this ratty couch and used the light from my windo in the living room and the back drop was the blanket that i used to sleep with. there was enf of the blanket hang down that i could cover up with at night as i did not have a bed.

shot with Pentax K1000 50 m smc 1.7 MF Fuji asa 400 color film shot at my old rented space light by windo light.
this is Amber REALLY cool to photo, i met her as most of the people i photoed at the Artful Doger Coffey shop in Harrisonburg. I really injoyed photoing Amber most of the time we where lafing insted of shooting. now yes i sed that i got most of the people i photoed from a coffy shop lol well it was a hell of a place to get people to photo and still to this day i have not found a better place to find people. i have been all other the east cost but ther is some thing about the Doger that made it a ez place to get people to photo. i sort of think of it like chears but with coffy lol thow later they did start serving achall lol

shot with Pentax K1000 50 m smc 1.7 MF Fuji asa 400 color film shot at my old rented space light by 100w light balub
At this time i was rinting a space becuse i had gaven up my apt to live at work and i need space to photo people. i did not have a lot to light with so i had to make do. there where 2 big windos and when the sun whent down i had a light balub lol. lots of times i set up a old white sheet and use it as a difuser it works well. that room me and others had a lot of fun, i do not refer to it as a "studo" it was in the stritest sence but it was relly a place that i sut the would out and crated my own space.

shot with a Pentax K1000 50 m smc 1.7 MF Fuji asa 400 color film shot in old trane station
A co worker asked me to photo her for a i belve a play that she was in,i was interested and she turned out to have been one of the best people i have ever photoed. yes i did some PS work on it. the eyes are from a nether photo of a nether person that had green eyes. i was looking to get more light in to her eyes that i could not get otherwise becuse they where sooooo dark, i decied to leave in the green becuse it looked cool lol.

this photo was taken at an apartment that i lived in for a cople of years, the model was standing in the hall and was taken with a Pentax K1000 50m smc 1.7 MF. using Fuji asa 400 color film. light with window light.
The person in this photo i have sadly lost contact with and forgot her name i not good with names BUT i really injoyed photoing her. She had this look i felt that i could not give justis to, thow i tryed lol she almost had this shyness/sadness abought her that i wished to get on film that i never could get just right.
At the time i was trying to shoot simple B&W photos i had been doing a lot of PS photos and i wonted to go back to simple photos.
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